Rule "Base 10": Be Precise in Your Speech

To a human, 10 is the number of fingers on our hands. An 8 fingered alien would also number its fingers as 10. The same can be said for a 16 fingered alien. The reason is that when we translate to their number system, "10" takes on a new value. Hexadecimal "10" = 16 Decimal "10" = 10 Octal "10" = 8 Binary "10" = 2 In fact "10" is just a universal concept for the base number of your number system. No matter what number system that may be. If we were to tell an alien race that we do math in Base 10 they'd either be overjoyed that we use the same system or disappointed that we weren't thoughtful enough to notice that from the user's point of view every number system is Base "10." A better convention would therefore be to name your number system by 10-1, indicating the maximum single-digit value of the system as follows: Hexadecimal F = 15 Decimal 9 = 9 Octal 7 = 7 Binary 1 = 1 Avoiding Miscommunication...