A Strategic Approach to Precision Process Automation

The global tech labor arbitrage trade has matured since its start in the Clinton era. We've witnessed real estate in places like Mumbai and Singapore appreciate to levels rivaling NY and London. The rising tide lifts all boats. As global tech labor costs have flattened somewhat, software has gotten more expensive to produce and maintain. The market is betting that AI will largely alleviate this by supplanting much of software engineering as a practice. However, until this plays out, being judicious about when and how to use software is more important than ever. While it's constructive to build software systems as "black boxes," it's folly to view them as crystal balls. Increasingly, software is operations . That engineer who knows the code like the back of his hand is your foreman. Code is not static, it's constantly evolving to meet business demands and improve efficiency. "Software Engineering is programming integrated ov...